Monday, October 5, 2015

W. Eugene Smith Post 7

Eugen Smith was pushing the boundaries during his time. Before there was world journalist that would produce things that you typically wouldn't shoot. Smith took the most heart wrenching pictures of things you wouldn't necessary consider art or poetic pieces.

Shot by: W. Eugene Smith 

His work was very meaningful and told true stories of what was really happening that no one else could see at that time. Taking pictures of the blood,guts and tears of  reality situations. He wanted to tell the truth and expose what was really going on. 

Shot by: W. Eugene Smith

His photographers tell more than just a story it showed want actually was going on. He revealed a lot of things to the American public just through the living room TV. He as well was good in the dark room and spent a lot of time in there fixing photos burning, dodging and bleaching till the image was just right.
Shot by: W. Eugene Smith 


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